If you are interested in one of the announced topics, please send your application, including your transcript, to the provided contact. If you are interested in a different topic, have own ideas, or wish more information concerning one of the running these, please email to
Topic | Thesis type | Contact | Date |
Algorithms for Discrete Particle Simulation | Master | Sk Aziz Ali | 05/2018 |
Physics-Based Algorithms in Cloth Simulation | Master | Sk Aziz Ali | 05/2018 |
Completed theses
Topic | Thesis type | Supervisor | End date |
On Structured Light Reconstruction with Focus on Auto-Calibration | Bachelor | 2018 | |
Modellierung und Optimierung eines Kalman-Filters zur Orientierungsbestimmung aus Inertialdaten | Bachelor | Norbert Schmitz | 2016 |
Design, Implementation and evaluation of a library for mobile-based Augmented Reality | Bachelor | Didier StrickerAlain Pagani | 2016 |
Multi-View Structure From Motion For High-Resolution Spherical Images | Bachelor | Didier Stricker Christiano Couto Gava | 2014 |
Hybrid Phase Unwrapping Using Camera Geometry and Image Based Approaches | Bachelor | Didier Stricker Gabriele Bleser Michael Bender | 2013 |
Towards Real-Time Detection of Limb Endpoints using Geodesic Extrema in Depth Images | Bachelor | Uwe Mayer | 2013 |
Phase Unwrapping Supported by Camera Geometry | Bachelor | Johannes Köhler | 2013 |
Liveliness animation for virtual avatars | Bachelor | Norbert Schmitz | 2013 |
Robustheitsanalyse verschiedener ICP-Varianten | Bachelor | Johannes Köhler | 2013 |
Mobile Echtzeit-Bildverarbeitung durch heterogenes Cloud-Computing | Bachelor | Nils Petersen | 2012 |
Introducing Parallel Coordinates into iOS devices | Bachelor | Daniel Steffen | 2012 |
Ausarbeitung und Evaluierung eines neuartigen Augmented Reality Handbuchs | Bachelor | Nils Petersen | 2012 |
Ortsabhängige Visualisierung von Daten auf Apple's iPad | Bachelor | Daniel Steffen | 2011 |
Combining 2D and 3D Displays in Desktop Applications | Bachelor | Daniel Steffen | 2011 |
Entwicklung eines Softwaretools zur Konfiguration, Datenerfassung, Kalibrierung und Analyse für inertiale Sensoren | Bachelor | Gabriele Bleser | 2011 |
Automatische Kartierung von synthetischen Landmarken aus Kamerabildern | Bachelor | Gabriele Bleser | 2011 |
Erweiterung des AnyScreen-Frameworks um neue Multi-Display-Konfigurationen und qualitätssichernde Modultests | Bachelor | Daniel Steffen | 2010 |
Material Digitalization using Shader Technology | Bachelor | Didier Stricker | 2010 |
Detection and Identification of Partially Occluded Circular, Markers Based on Digital Codes and Erasure Locations | Bachelor | Johannes Köhler | 2010 |
Integrating Prior Probability in Pose Estimation Algorithms | Bachelor | Tobias Nöll | 2010 |
Object Detection for Car Vision | Bachelor | Alain Pagani | 2010 |
MSER Detection in High Dynamic Range Images | Bachelor | Thomas Olszamowski | 2010 |
Optical Flow Estimation in Fisheye Images | Bachelor | Gabriele Bleser | 2010 |
Netzwerkprotokoll für echtzeitfähiges verteiltes Rechnen | Bachelor | Didier Stricker | 2010 |
Entwicklung eines Editors zur Erstellung digitaler Arbeitsplatzanweisungen | Bachelor | Didier Stricker | 2010 |
Sprachsynchrone Mundebewegungen für den humanoiden Roboter ROMAN | Bachelor | 2009 | |
Erweiterung und modulare GPU-Implementierung eines bestehenden Hand-Tracking Verfahrens | Bachelor | Nils Petersen | 2009 |
Decoupled LiDAR Odometry | Master | 2018 | |
Scale Invariant Semantic Segmentation with RGB-D Fusion | Master | 2018 | |
Design and Implementation of an Inertial Sensor Network at High Sampling Rate | Master | Didier Stricker | 2017 |
Ad-hoc application and comparison of deep neural networks using fingerprinting | Master | Didier Stricker | 2017 |
Automatic anonymisation of pictures and videos in road traffic | Master | Didier Stricker | 2017 |
A CNN-Based Surface Defect Detection Method | Master | Didier Stricker | 2017 |
Clothing Category And Attribute Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network | Master | 2017 | |
Maneuver Anticipation with Deep Learning | Master | 2017 | |
Sensor-to-Segment Assignment and Pre-Alignment using Machine Learning Algorithms | Master | 2017 | |
Gender Recognition from Faces in Still Images and Videos using Convolutional Neural Networks | Master | 2017 | |
Accurate Scene Flow Recovery from Monocular Image Sequences | Master | 2017 | |
Novel View Synthesis with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks | Master | 2016 | |
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Multiplayer Exergame using wearables for Older adults | Master | Daniel Steffen | 2016 |
Patch Matching with Convolution Neural Networks using Patchbatch and thresholded Hinge loss | Master | 2016 | |
3D Hand Pose Classification in a Car Cockpit | Master | Didier Stricker | 2016 |
Evaluation of Depth Map Generation for an Embedded Security Vision System | Master | Didier Stricker | 2016 |
Convolution Neural-Network based human pose estimation | Master | Didier Stricker | 2016 |
Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Android Application for Repetition Counting at Campusletics Trial 6 | Master | Didier Stricker | 2016 |
Benchmarking 3D Reconstruction Algorithms | Master | 2016 | |
Fast Registration and Disparity Visualization for 3D Meshes of Partially Overlapping Scenes | Master | 2016 | |
Stereo Visual Odometry | Master | Michael Miksch | 2016 |
Deep Learning for Image-based Crop Properties Sensing | Master | Didier Stricker | 2015 |
Psoriasis Skin Disease Segmentation using Machine Learning | Master | 2015 | |
Pedestrian Intention Recognition and Path Prediction for Video-based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems | Master | Didier Stricker Andreas Schulz | 2015 |
Monocular SLAM for Context-Aware Workflow Assistance | Master | 2014 | |
Distortion-free 3D reconstruction and discrepancy check using an PGBD camera. | Master | 2013 | |
Exploiting the Spatial Distribution of Interest Points Using Hierarchical Clustering for Improved Scene Retrieval | Master | 2013 | |
Robuste Flächenextraktion aus Time-of-Flight Kameradaten | Master | Yosef Dalbah Didier Stricker | 2013 |
Detection of Dynamic Objects for the Reconstruction of Static Scenes by Time-of-Flight Cameras | Master | Yosef Dalbah Didier Stricker | 2013 |
3D scanning and discrepancy check with existing CAD models | Master | Yan Cui | 2013 |
Enhancing Dense 3D Models by Multi-View Triangulation and Subsequent Illumination Estimation | Master | Bernd Krolla | 2013 |
Dynamic Model Switching for Body Tracking based on Motion Pattern Classication | Master | Markus Weber | 2013 |
Generating a sparse point cloud from nearly planar surfaces using distinguished regions | Master | Christiano Gava | 2012 |
Automated Tracking of Threats in Imagery from mm-wave Scanners | Master | Gerd Reis | 2011 |
Evaluierung von Computer Vision basierten Multitouch Technologien und Konstruktion eines Multitouch Prototyps | Master | Frank Michel | 2010 |
Visual-Inertial Tracking Using Optical Flow Measurements | Master | Gustaf Hendeby | 2010 |
A multitouch framework for intuitive user interfaces | Master | Frank Michel | 2009 |
Robust Camera Position Estimation by Integration of a priori Information | Master | Alain Pagani | 2009 |
Robust Detection an Identification of Circular Markers for Estimation of the Camera Pose in Real Time | Master | Alain Pagani | 2009 |
Design und Implementierung eines Renderframeworks für verteilte und stereoskopische Displays | Master | Daniel Steffen | 2009 |
Webbasierte Visualisierung von Gebäudeverbrauchsdaten | Diploma | Frank Michel | 2013 |
Evaluierung von Computer Vision basierten Multitouch Technologien und Konstruktion eines Multitouch Prototyps | Diploma | Frank Michel | 2010 |
A Multitouch Framework for Intuitive User Interfaces | Diploma | Frank Michel | 2009 |
Robust Detection an Identification of Circular Markers for Estimation of the Camera Pose in Real Time | Diploma | Andreas Dengel | 2009 |
Robust Camera Position Estimation by Integration of a priori Information | Diploma | Andreas Dengel | 2009 |
Tracking von PAR3-EGFP markierten Zellkernen des "Danio rerio" | Diploma | Didier Stricker | 2009 |
Fokus- und Kontextanwendungen in erweiterter PowerWall Umgebung | Diploma | Michael Bender, Achim Ebert | 2009 |