Seminars, projects, and guided research
We offer a regular master seminar (4 CP) and project (8 CP) each semester. In addition, guided research (8-12 CP) can be performed at any time. Just contact us!
A broad range of topics is offered usually each semester. Selected topics include, but are not limited to:
- Algorithms and methods for camera tracking, object recognition, pose estimation, etc.
- Rigid and non-rigid 3D reconstruction
- Virtual, Augmented, or Mixed Reality: Algorithms, applications, current trends
- Computer Vision and mobile Augmented Reality on consumer devices
- Realistic Rendering
- Marker-less object detection, recognition and tracking in video sequences
- Multi-target tracking
- Marker-less human body tracking in video sequences
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision: Theories and applications
- Motion Estimation
- Scene Understanding
- Car interior perception
- Range sensing
- Medical applications, visual diagnostics
- Current applications and trends
- Etc.
Students who plan to take a seminar or project should at least have successfully completed one of the following lectures:
- Lecture "3D Computer Vision"
- Lecture "2D Image Processing"
- Lecture "Very Deep Learning"
- Lecture "Advanced Topics in Computer Vision and Deep Learning
Seminar/Project "Computer Vision & Deep Learning"
- Offered each semester, starting from WS23/24.
Seminar/Project "2D Image Processing & Augmented Reality"
- Used to be offered each winter semester, last in WS22/23.
Seminar/Project "3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality"
- Used to be offered each summer semester, last in SS23.
Bachelor Project "Machine Learning"
- Often, the topics of our Master's project can be adjusted.
Guided Research
- Can be performed within one semester (like the project) with any topic from our field.
- The amount of credit points (between 8 and 12) will be individually agreed upon with your supervisor.
- To conduct a Guided Research, please send us a short research proposal (0.5 - 1 page), in which you answer the following questions:
- Which problem will be solved and how?
- Why is this a relevant problem and why is the approach new?
- Why do others not solve the problem (yet)?
- How is the proposed topic related to existing work?
- Ideally, you suggest one (or more) suitable supervisors for the topic.
Organization and Registration
Seminars and projects are usually performed throughout the semester.
Shortly before the semester starts, we will post available topics here. Once announced, you can apply to any topic by contacting the individual supervisor with your CV and a recent transcript.
If you don't want to miss any information/update, please send a mail to av-seminar-projekt(at) in order to subscribe to our mailing list. You will not receive an automatic reply upon subscription.
Application phase for SS23/24 has begun.
Here is the list of available topics.
Make sure to join for the Kick-Off meeting if you plan to take a seminar or project.
If you want to perform a guided research, please contact us at any time with your proposition of a research topic.
Important Dates
Summer Semester 2024
Kick-Off: Monday, April 22nd, 3 PM, at DFKI
Intermediate Presentation: Tuesday, June 25th, at DFKI
Final Presentation: Tuesday, September 24th, all day, at DFKI
Winter Semester 2023/24
Kick-Off: Monday, October 23rd, 3.30 PM, at DFKI, room ZUSE (0.01)
Intermediate Presentation: January 9th, 2 PM, at DFKI, room ZUSE (0.01)
Final Presentation: March 19th, 9 AM, at DFKI, room ZUSE (0.01)
We prefer the communication via av-seminar-projekt(at)
Educational objectives of the seminar:
Ability to...
- become acquainted with a specific topic from the respective field
- review scientific articles
- prepare and give a comprehensive presentation of a specific topic supported by media
- discuss a scientific topic
Educational objectives of the project and guided research:
Ability to...
- investigate, design, implement, and evaluate algorithms and methods in the respective area
- review, analyze and benchmark algorithms and procedures
- apply a programming language (e.g. C++, Python, ...)
- become acquainted with and apply existing software libraries
- apply development, source code management and testing tools
Requirements for certificate:
- Intermediate presentation/demonstration of state and initial results and discussion round (~5 minutes + 5 minutes questions).
- Final presentation/demonstration and discussion round (~15 minutes + 5 minutes questions).
- Attendance of and contribution to all meetings.
- Seminar: Written survey paper (8 pages) introducing the topic, describing the studied approach and discussing it (e.g. what are advantages/disadvantages, what are the requirements, under which conditions are good/bad results to be expected, what could be extensions/improvements, etc.).
- Project: Written paper describing the project (no upper/lower page limit) and documented source code. The paper should be a scientific paper (no source code description), i.e. introduce the problem, your requirements, describe the approach, evaluate it, compare it.
- Guided Research: Comparable to project. In addition, this should result in a scientific publication that could be submitted to a conference.
- Documentation materials should be submitted at the day of the presentation (unless otherwise agreed upon with the individual supervisor). Please email the written report and presentation slides to your supervisor and to av-seminar-projekt(at)
- For both, presentation and written paper, please use the provided templates and keep the evaluation criteria and our guide on scientific writing in mind.
Course proceedings of past semesters:
- WS 2023/24 (Computer Vision & Deep Learning)
- SS 2023 (Computer Vision & Deep Learning)
- WS 2022/23 (2D Image Processing & Augmented Reality)
- SS 2022 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)
- WS 2021/22 (2D Image Processing & Augmented Reality)
- SS 2021 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)
- WS 2020/21 (2D Image Processing & Augmented Reality)
- SS 2020 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)
- WS 2019/20 (2D Image Processing & Augmented Reality)
- SS 2019 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)
- WS 2018/19 (2D Image Processing & Augmented Reality)
- SS 2018 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)
- WS 2017/18 (Image Processing & Augmented Reality)
- SS 2017 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)
- WS 2016/17 (Image Processing & Augmented Reality)
- SS 2016 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)
- WS 2015/16 (Computer Vision: Object and People Tracking)
- SS 2015 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)
- WS 2014/15 (Computer Vision: Object and People Tracking)
- SS 2014 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)
- WS 2013/14 (Computer Vision: Object and People Tracking)
- SS 2013 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)
- WS 2012/13 (3D Computer Vision & Augmented Reality)